Dashing Mom

Friday, December 27, 2013

Love & Respect

In addition to my daily devotional I am also reading "Love and Respect", also a gift from my niece Sarah.

Knowing God By Name

A Christmas gift from my sweet sister. An 8 week daily devotional to know God by name and draw closer to Him! Elohim, El Olam, Yahweh Tsuri! God The Creator, The Everlasting God, My Lord, My Rock!!

Christmas ....picking the perfect tree, decorations, parades, Christmas plays, Christmas parties, making candy, gifts, giving, spending time with family, making lots of memories, all in remembrance of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!! 


My family and I were blessed with a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have so many things to be thankful for! Most of all I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ and His Love!